about TSAP

Thakur school of Architecture and Planning

TSAP was established in the year 2014 and is guided by a strong vision and goal, that is oriented towards a purposeful mission, which will meet both the local and global requirements of Architecture by providing “ State of Art, Architectural Education” to young budding aspirant architects that will be coherent with the overall sustainable developments of the state and country. The college is approved by Council Of Architecture (COA), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) and Govt. of Maharashtra. It is affiliated to University of Mumbai. Institute is an unaided and hindi linguistic minority institute.

Architecture being an multi-disciplinary subject requiring amalgamation of knowledge from many fields, lour students will be provided with all the relevant education to ensure near to total knowledge in Architecture.

It is our Conviction that :

  1. Our education will help mitigate the problems of living environment and housing by enabling our students in “ Providing design solutions for sustainable development” of our city, state and country.
  2. This will also empower our students to provide design solutions in any international situations, and make our presence felt in the world map of Architecture; besides, provide for revenue generation by their consultations at international bodies. This will enhance the “Knowledge” and Improve our foreign  collaborations, through international student and research exchange programs.
  3. Our Institute will mitigate the brain – drain of aspirants for architecture in Maharashtra.

To achieve these we have prepared ourselves to provide World Class infrastructure facilities, Vast Spaces that promote Architectural Education, and intensive Industry facilities, Vast Spaces that promote Architectural Education and Intensive Industry- Academia Interactions, International Collaborations, Intra and Intra disciplinary learning, IN school Practical’s – Managing Architecture, Study by Reasearch, Intensive Faculty-student interaction that promotes innovations, and intense research and developments.

This will be done by way of exposing our students to international experts in the field, hoisting and presenting papers at nationL and international conferences, workshops, symposiums, seminars, design fests, and through active design & Research base.


about TSAP